Here are our best tips on how to make a smoothie in just a few words.
Preparing a smoothie is straightforward. Select the base liquid and raw fruit or veggie that you like by themselves and together. Clean the fruit, if required, peel the fruit, and put all ingredients into your blender. Puree the content until it reaches a smooth consistency.
Added liquid allows you to influence on how runny your smoothie becomes. More liquid, of course, also impacts the flavor.
Smoothies are excellent for breakfast, make a healthy snack for in between meals, and a delicious dessert.
Which fruits to use?
Choose the fruit you like, preferably organically grown. If no organic fruit is available, then use non-organic fruit and make sure to wash any unwanted substances off or select frozen fruits.
Why keep the ingredient list simple?
When there are too many flavors you plan to mix into your smoothie, some flavors overpower. It has the potential to make you reluctant to enjoy your creation.
Why choose ripe fruit?
Ripe fruit has a fuller flavor and does not require an additional sweetener.
Which fruits and veggies are best in moderation?
Dominant in taste are lemon, lime, beetroot, celery, kale. The list is not conclusive.
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What to use as a base liquid?
Water, almond milk, cocos milk, rice milk, soy milk, yogurt, whole milk, kefir, buttermilk, any of these are good. The base liquid defines the diet, can promote oil-soluble vitamins and reduce the calorie intake.
How to reduce the fructose level?
By insulin resistance, you may want to reduce the amount of fructose intake and replace fruits with vegetables, with the same quality criteria as above.
Why prepare the smoothie fresh for consumption?
We all know what happens when we leave cut up apples, pears, peaches, or bananas exposed to oxygen for too long. That’s right, the iron mineral in these fruits starts oxidizing, which leaves an unsightly brown tinge to the fruit. The same happens when you keep a smoothie with these ingredients in it for too long. So I like my smoothies best fresh out of the blender.
Adding lime, lemon, or orange to fruits like bananas, avocados, peaches, and pears avoids oxidation.
How to make a smoothie with increased sustained energy?
To increase sustained energy, add oats, seeds, nuts, or even a fresh raw egg to your fruit or vegetable mix.
How to spice it up?
Cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, turmeric, ginger are perfect add for taste. Each of the spices has beneficial healing properties. Among, the numerous health benefits of ginger, turmeric, and vanilla are characteristics such as fighting inflammation, and improving digestion. Among many other benefits, cinnamon and nutmeg help your immune system and skin health.
A breakfast smoothie is quick and easy to prepare. Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, it helps you start your day with the right fuel for energy. The extra dose of fresh fruit and veggies speeds up to reach your goal of five-plus a day, a lot faster.
Choose a mix of your favorite raw ingredients, fill the blender, add liquid, give it a whiz, and you are set for the day. Still your small hunger with a smoothie snack or prepare a delicious and decorative smoothie dessert.
Buying a strawberry smoothie from the nearby mall or smoothie shop, do you know the ingredient-list? Whether the ingredient-list consists of real fruit, fresh or frozen for weeks, or just powdered flavor? Do you know if flavor enhancers bring out the non-existing flavor in the ingredients? What is the base liquid, or how much sugar went in? All is unclear unless you conduct a thorough investigation.
By learning how to make a smoothie, you are the one in control of what goes in, and more important the quality.
Difference between milkshake and smoothie
The difference between a smoothie and a milkshake is this: Traditional milkshakes have a thinner consistency. The drink uses milk and, or ice-cream with a small part of real fruit, or fruit flavoring. Smoothies generally have a higher concentration on fresh fruit or vegetables that puree with the base liquid. The base liquid ranges from water to nut-milk, grain-milk, raw milk or yogurt, and even ice. The composition is often more complex than the one of a milkshake.
Are smoothies right for me?
A smoothie composition depends on your preferences. Therefore everything goes. Prepare a simple smoothie with two ingredients or a complex one with five or more. The beauty is, it is in your hands to make the smoothie right for your dietary and palate needs.
Do you need some inspiration? Visit smoothie recipes here on the site or the smoothie board on Pinterest.